The tool that can perform multiple fire ground functions.
When space is limited, but performance is an absolute must, this is ideal for all fire ground and rescue operations.
From simple hose coupling functions, to working with patient entrapment, the Res-Q-Rench is the ultimate tool.
Folding spanners will provide years of rugged and reliable service.
Certain limitations apply to the operation of the Res-Q-Rench. Some LDH couplings are produced with lugs that are not easy coupled of uncoupled. Certain newer cars use laminated side window glass, which will preclude using the window punch for entry. With over 100 varieties of gas shut off valves in varying operational conditions, use of the residential gas shutoff valve may be limited in certain jurisdictions.
- Carbide tip window punch
- Heavy-duty seat belt cutter
- Pry bar for windows
- Door or window prop
- Fits many residential gas shut-off valves
- Designed to work with rocker lug handline and supply line
by: FO3 Mario Neil A Aranda BFP
Batangas BFP Provincial Headquarters 4A
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